UMass Boston

FAQ - Turnitin Draft Coach

Use the dropdown menu below for answers to common questions about Turnitin Draft Coach.

Q: I can’t get this to add-on to my Google account. What do I do?

A: It’s probably because you are in your private Google account. See the instructions above. If you are logged into your UMass Boston Google account, try refreshing the page, and then try turning on the add-on again. Since Chrome is a Google browser, it may work better in Chrome than other browsers.

Q: I don’t write papers on Google Docs. Can I use this tool with Microsoft Word?

A: No, but all you need to do is upload your Word doc to Google, save it as a Google doc, and then run the check. If you need to make changes, use the results as a guide to make the changes to your Word doc.

Q: How do I interpret the scores?

A: Turnitin provides details about how to interpret the similarity report. Read more about Q: How do I interpret the scores?  »