UMass Boston

Fridge Rental - MicroFridge

It is strongly recommended for each room to have a mini-fridge and microwave.  Be sure to coordinate with your roommate as to who will bring the mini-fridge and microwave.

MicroFridge is an official partner of the Office of Housing and Residential Life and serves as a program which provides a safe, controlled, and convenient way to for students to store and heat food in their residence hall rooms.

Why rent a MicroFridge?

MicroFridge provides mini-fridge and microwave rentals and purchasing options for residential students. MicroFridge delivers, installs, picks up, and provides maintenance for each appliance in all standard residence hall rooms. Their green products provide energy efficient options, and their smart technology automatically shuts off units when smoke is detected providing a safe living environment.

To rent or purchase one, Order your microfridge now by entering University of Massachusetts Boston in the search field on their website.