UMass Boston

Institute for Community Inclusion

Institute for Community Inclusion logo

The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) is a research and training institute that promotes the full inclusion of people with disabilities in every aspect of society. We do this through training, research, consultation, and clinical and employment services. Our projects increase disability inclusion throughout New England, across the United States, and internationally.

The ICI is a program of UMass Boston and Boston Children’s Hospital. We are part of the national network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.

Some of our key projects include:

  • Think College: College options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • ExploreVR: A data hub for research related to vocational rehabilitation.
  • The LEND Program at Boston Children's Hospital: Training health professionals and families to support children and youth with developmental disabilities.

These are only a small sample of our work. Visit our website and follow us on Facebook and on Twitter to learn more about what we do.

School for Global Inclusion and Social Development
in the College of Education and Human Development