UMass Boston


Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy

The Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy informs policymakers about issues vital to the state’s growing Latino community and provides the information and analysis necessary for effective participation in public policy development. Ever since it was established at UMass Boston in 1989, the institute has consistently documented the Latino experience in Massachusetts through research and publications directed at policy makers, scholarly audiences, and Latino community leaders and institutions. 

The Gastón Institute hires undergraduate and graduate students to work on a variety of projects. Learn about the research taking place at the Gastón.

The Latino Leadership Opportunity Program (LLOP)

The Latino Leadership Opportunity Program is an academic enrichment and leadership development program offered by the Gastón Institute for UMass Boston undergraduate students. The LLOP offers undergraduate training in applied research and public policy analysis. Students in the program enroll in a research seminar where they enhance their analytical and leadership skills, learn how public policy is created, become proficient in public speaking, build strong teamwork abilities, meet with policymakers, and receive course credit for their successful completion of the program. This program has a strong history of success: many graduates are now employed in public policy positions or are enrolled in competitive graduate programs. Latino Studies minors who enroll in the LLOP receive credit toward a requirement.

To learn more about LLOP or apply to enroll in the research seminar contact

Casa Latinx

Established in 1989, Casa Latinx is a nonprofit student organization at UMass Boston dedicated to providing cultural, social, and academic support to students and community members. We are an all inclusive organization, our doors and resources are open to the entire student body. At Casa Latinx we believe the success of one is success for us all, we must work together to inspire positive change in nuestra Casa!