UMass Boston

Two students work on a math problem in the UTeach workroom.

Current UTeach Students

In the Fall 2020 semester, UTeach is offering the following core classes: 

Knowing and Learning Math and Science (EDC U 270)

Meets Tuesday/Thursday 12:30 - 1:45pm

The course focuses on knowing and learning specifically within the context of mathematics and science. Students analyze domain-specific problems-solving activities and approaches in an applied fashion, such as through the clinical interview process. Students explore the implications of individual and social learning theories on the design of learning environments within classrooms and within the context of larger social justice issues.

This course fulfills the Social/Behavioral Science general education distribution.

This course has no fieldwork.

There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Classroom Interactions (EDC U 275)

Meets Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 - 3:15pm

In this course, students are provided frameworks for thinking about equity issues in the classroom and larger school settings, and they learn strategies for teaching students with learning differences and diverse backgrounds equitably. Additionally, the course introduces ways curriculum and technology are used in classroom settings to build relationships among teachers and students and provide access to learning opportunities for all. Students engage deeply with science and mathematics content, reflecting on their own and others' learning and problem solving, as well as the underlying structures of these disciplines and their relation to other fields of inquiry. In essence, Classroom Interaction is centered on a close examination of the interplay between teachers, students, content, and the world beyond schools, and how such interactions enable students to develop deep conceptual understanding. Students learn how content and pedagogy combine to make effective teaching.

This course has a fieldwork component in a High School in or around Boston.

Pre-requisites: INTR-D 175

If you've taken both of these courses already, the next course for you to take is Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL).  On WISER, the course code is EDC U 451.

The UTeach program has a lot to offer to its students beyond preparing them to be teachers.  This includes academic support, scholarships, community events, jobs, and internships.  

In 2017, the average teacher salary in Massachusetts was $78,708. 

(Massachusetts Department of Education)



Here are some ways you receive support as a UTeach student:

  • Advising: Master teachers know where each UTeach student is at in their college journey and help to make sure they stay on track.
  • Workroom: UTeach has workroom where UTeach students often work not only in their education classes, but also in other classes.  Collaboration on schoolwork is common here.  
  • Tutoring: There is often someone in the workroom willing to help UTeach members with certain STEM content areas, such as math and physics.
  • Community: Be part of a community of other STEM majors pursuing similar goals as you.


There are many scholarships available to students who are studying education.  The Teach Grant is federal aid for teachers looking to teach.  For a list of more scholarships for students in the education field, see the listings on the website of the College of Education and Human Development.

A student works on Real Analysis in the UTeach workroom.

The photo above shows a student working on Real Analysis in the UTeach workroom. 


There's a high need for talented middle school/high school STEM teachers.  With this in mind, the UTeach program offers plenty of job opportunities for students in UTeach so that students are prepared when the time comes for them to teach.  These opportunities include paid internships and on-campus jobs.  Scheduling for the internship fair for Spring 2020 is in progress.  The employers for this year will include:

Paid teaching positions in STEM summer programs are also available to UTeach students.  The organizations include:

For more information about internships, contact Wan Sin Lim at  On top of these internships, students in UTeach work all around campus where support with math and science is needed.  These opportunities include tutoringSupplemental Instruction, and teaching assistants.

UTeach Boston

Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125