UMass Boston

Books and Creative Works Published

The UMass Boston faculty are dedicated to research, innovation, scholarship, and creativity that yields vital contributions in all major areas of human concern both locally and globally. Each year our faculty make new inroads in their respective fields that set new standards of transdisciplinary scholarship. They advance human knowledge in areas such as education and human development, the liberal arts, the health sciences, policy and global studies, and science and mathematics. News about some of our faculty's published work follows.

Books Published in 2022-2024, Organized by Department

Computer Science 

Logical Foundations of Computer Science
Authors: Dan Simovici & Peter Fejer  
Published: July 2024
ISBN: 978-981-12-8936-1

Linear Algebra Tools for Data Mining (2e)
Author: Dan Simovici
Published: July 2023
ISBN: 9789811270338

Counseling and School Psychology

Naturaleza extraviada: Cartografías abstractas [Nature gone astray: Abstract cartographies]  
Author: Gonzalo Bacigalupe
Published: March 2023
ISBN: 978-956-414-419-1

Curriculum and Instruction

Learning to be Literate: More than a single story
Authors: Deborah MacPhee, Patricia Paugh    
Published: April 2023      
ISBN: 978-1-324-02001-1 

Educational Folly: Teacher Well-Being and the Chaos of American Schooling  
Author: Lisa M Gonsalves
Published: June 2022
ISBN: 978-1-4758-5582-1   


Rise of the Goldfish
Author: Susan Tan
Published: August 2023
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1338756432

The Flounder and Other stories
Author: John Fulton
Published: May 2023
ISBN-13: ‎979-8987007570 

Ghosts, Toast, and Other Hazards  
Author: Susan Tan
Published: April 2023
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1250797001

Kittens are Monsters
Author: Susan Tan
Published: April 2023
ISBN-13: 978-1338756395

The Heat of Beowulf
Author: Daniel Remein
Published: December 2022
ISBN: 978-1-5261-5058-5

The Poodle of Doom
Author: Susan Tan
Published: October 2022
ISBN 978-1-338-75637-1 

Exercise and Health Sciences

Advanced Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology - Second Edition
Authors: Denise L. Smith and Bo Fernhall
Published: June 2022
ISBN: 978-149-259-381-2

Latin American and Iberian Studies  

Cannibal Translation: Literary Reciprocity in Contemporary Latin America
Author: Isabel Gómez
Publication: May 2023
ISBN: 9780810145962

Stay This Day and Night with Me by Belén Gopegui   
Translator: Mark Schafer      
Publication: 2023
ISBN-10: 0872868931

Traducciones, encuentros y desencuentros en la historiografía latinoamericanista de la Guerra Fría Author: Nayelli Castro   
Publication: December 2022
ISBN: 9786078858644


Second Language Literacy Pedagogy: A Sociocultural Theory Perspective
Author: Kimberly Buescher Urbanski
Published: June 2023
ISBN: 9781800417632

Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 

Petrarch and the Making of Gender in Renaissance Italy
Author: Shannon McHugh
Published: July 2023
ISBN: 9789463720274

Performing Arts

The Afterlives of Frankenstein: Popular and Artistic Adaptations and Reimaginings
Authors: Robert I. Lublin and Elizabeth A. Fay
Published: January 2024
ISBN: 9781350351561

Political Science 

The Militant Intellect: Critical Theory's Conceptual Personae     
Author: Andrés Henao Castro
Published: October 2022
ISBN: 978-1-5381-4509-8


Splitsville USA: A Democratic Argument for Breaking Up the United States
Author: Christopher Zurn
Published: May 2023
ISBN: 978-1032429793 

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