UMass Boston

Brandon Miller

Associate Professor
Wheatley Hall Floor 06

Areas of Expertise

Media effects, Computer-mediated communication, Sexuality and Gender studies


PhD (Communication), University of Missouri, 2016
MA (Magazine, Newspaper, and Online Journalism), Syracuse University, 2008
BA (Political Science), Western University, 2007

Professional Publications & Contributions

Additional Information

Brandon Miller (PhD, University of Missouri) is an associate professor of communication at the University of Massachusetts Boston. His research explores sexual and gender minorities’ use of interactive media, and the effects of this usage on identity, relationships, and society. His research also investigates patterns in mass and user-generated representation of LGBTQ individuals and issues, with particular focus on online self-presentation, language usage, stereotypes, and the potential effects content may have on both LGBTQ and heterosexual, cisgender audiences. Current projects explore topics such as masculinity and body image on apps for men who have sex with men, media as an educational tool to reduce prejudice toward transgender persons, social connectedness and self-esteem in online queer space, mental health portrayals in film, Twitter reactions to the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando, and television characters’ sexual behavior, talk, and consequences.

Professor Miller serves as secretary for the National Communication Association’s Caucus on LGBT Concerns, and is a research associate with the Media and Diversity Center at the University of Missouri. He has taught a variety of communication courses, including gender and communication, new media and identity, media and society, new technologies in communication, and interpersonal communication.