UMass Boston

One-Ki Lee

Management Science & Info Sys
Associate Professor
McCormack Hall Floor 05


One-Ki Daniel Lee is an active researcher in the areas of organizational IT strategies (ambidexterity), IT-enabled organizational dynamic capabilities (like agility and crisis management), AI-enabled digital transformation (cognitive AI agents for job and interaction automation), and digital collaboration and creativity via emerging platforms (mobile social media and Metaverse).

Area of Expertise

IT Management and Strategies (IT Ambidexterity and Agility), IT-Enabled Agile Crisis Management, AI-Enabled Digital Transformation, Responsible and Explainable AI, Digital Creativity


PhD, City University of Hong Kong

MS, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

BS, Yonsei University

Professional Publications & Contributions

  • "Unveiling the Underlying Cognitive Processes of Creative Idea Generation using Mobile Collaboration Platforms," Information & Management (60:8), Dec. 2023.
  • "The Role of Digital Technologies in New Normal: The Emergence of Contactless Digital Technologies and Services," Internet Research (33:1), Mar. 2023.
  • "Is It the Best for Barista Robots to Serve Like Humans? A Multidimensional Anthropomorphism Perspective," International Journal of Hospitality Management (108:103358), Jan. 2023.
  • "The Role of Information Technologies in Crises: A Review and Conceptual Development of IT-Enabled Agile Crisis Management," Communications of the Association for Information Systems (50), Jun. 2022, Article 32.
  • "Exploring the Attractiveness of Service Robots in the Hospitality Industry: Analysis of Online Reviews," Information Systems Frontier, Forthcoming.
  • How to Be Agile: The Distinctive Roles of IT Capabilities for Knowledge Management and Process Integration" Industrial Management & Data Systems (121:11), 2021.
  • "Role of Interaction Quality and Trust in Use of AI-Based Voice Assistant Systems" Journal of Systems and Information Technology (23:2), 2021.
  • "How Do Knowledge Management Resources and Capabilities Pay Off in the Short-Term and Long-Term?" Information & Management (57:2), 2020.
  • "Alignment between Internal and External IT Governance and Its Effects on Distinctive Firm Performance: An Extended Resource-based View,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (64:3), 2017.
  • "Creating Knowledge within a Team: A Socio-Technical Interaction Perspective," Knowledge Management Research and Practice (15:1), 2017.
  • "Idiosyncratic Values of IT-Enabled Agility at the Operation and Strategic Levels," Communications of the Association for Information Systems (39:3), 2016.
  • "How Does IT Ambidexterity Impact Organizational Agility?," Information Systems Research (26:2), 2015.

Additional Information

His work has appeared in many leading information systems (IS) journals, including the Information Systems Research, Information and Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Communications of the ACM, Communications of the AIS, Journal of Global Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, Industrial Management & Data Systems, and Knowledge Management Research and Practice, and many international conferences, including ICIS, ECIS, HICSS, AOM, PACIS, and AMCIS.


  • Quantitative Research Methods (BUSADM 744)
  • Business Intelligence: Data Visualization (MSIS 670)
  • Computer and Information Systems: Digital Innovation (MBAMS 640)
  • Project Management (MSIS 630, MSIS/IT 425)
  • Cybersecurity Risk Management and Auditing (MSIS 625)


  • Co-Editor in Chief, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems (2021 - current)
  • Senior Editor, Information Technology and People (2018 - current)
  • Associate Editor, Information & Management (2022 - current)
  • Associate Editor, Industrial Management & Data Systems (2022 - current)
  • Guest Editor (Special Issue), Electronic Commerce Research (2023 - current)
  • Guest Editor (Special Issue), Internet Research (2021)
  • Guest Associate Editor, Information Systems Frontiers (2021 - 2022)
  • Guest Associate Editor, Information Systems Journal (2018 - 2019)
  • Track Chair
  • Associate Editor, Various International Conferences, including ICIS, ECIS, AMCIS, and PACIS


  • Donald Shephard Award for Distinguished Research, College of Management, University of Massachusetts Boston (2022)
  • Keynote Speech in Startup Forum: An Ambidexterity Strategy for Startups in New Normal, Sisa Journal (2021)
  • 20 Project Management Professors You Should Check Out (APEX, 2016)
  • Donald Shephard Award for Distinguished Research, College of Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
  • Betty Diener Graduate Teaching Award, CM, UMass Boston (2012)
  • CM Faculty Research Scholarship Award (2010)
  • Best Paper Award, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (2008)
  • Top Ten Download List in the Social Science Research Network (2008)
  • Outstanding Academic Performance Award, City University of Hong Kong (2005)