UMass Boston

Michael Ahn

Public Policy & Public Affairs
Associate Professor
McCormack Hall Floor 03

Areas of Expertise

E-Government, IT Innovations in Public Sector, Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence, Public Management, PA Education, International Comparative Public Administration, Research Methodology


PhD, Public Administration, Syracuse University
MPA, Public Administration, Syracuse University
BS, Economics, University of Oregon

Professional Publications & Contributions

Additional Information

Michael J. Ahn is an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Michael’s research explores various technological innovations in government such as e-government, Smart Cities, and Artificial Intelligence in the public sector and identifies key organizational and institutional factors that facilitate impactful and sustainable IT innovations. Michael has published in journals such as Public Administration Review, American Review of Public Administration, Government Information Quarterly, and Public Organization Review and edited Routledge Handbook of Information Technology in Government, a section in Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration (Korean Public Administration Section), and special issues at Smart Cities and Sustainability. His article on Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration received the Best Public Management Paper Award from the Digital Government Society (2020), and his op-ed appears at Brookings Institution and the Conversation.

Michael is serving as a National Council Member of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and previously as the president of the Section on Science and Technology in Government (SSTIG) and Northeaster Conference on Public Administration (NECoPA). He is an editorial board member of journals including the American Review of Public Administration, Public Organization Review, International Journal of Public Administration, and International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA). Michael holds a Master of Public Administration and Ph.D. in Public Administration from the Maxwell School of Citizens and Public Affairs, Syracuse University.

Michael Ahn's CV

Teaching in the Public Administration Program:

New England Political Environment
Analytical Skills II
Case Study Seminar (Capstone course)

Teaching in the Public Policy Program:

Political Institutions