UMass Boston


Peng Xu

Management Science & Info Sys
Department Chair
McCormack Hall Floor 05

Area of Expertise

System Analysis and Design, Software Project Management, Software process, Business agility


PhD, Georgia State University

BE, Tianjin University

Professional Publications & Contributions

  • Xu, P. and Ramesh, B. (forthcoming), “Impact of Knowledge Support on the Performance of Software Process Tailoring”, accepted by Journal of Management Information Systems.
  • Xu, P. and Ramesh, B. (forthcoming), “Managing Challenges in Software Development Using Process Tailoring”, accepted by IT Pro.
  • Mohan, K., Xu, P., Cao, L., and Ramesh, B. (forthcoming), “Integrating traceability and software configuration management”, accepted by Decision Support Systems.
  • Xu, P. and Ramesh, B., “Software Process Tailoring: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Management Information Systems, 24, 2 (2007) 293-328.
  • Mohan, K., Xu, P., and Ramesh, B., “Improving the Change Management Process”, Communications of the ACM, 51, 5, 2008, May.
  • Ramesh, B., Cao, L., Mohan, K. and Xu, P., “Can Distributed Software Development be Agile?”, Communications of the ACM, 49, 10, 2006, October.
  • Mohan, K., Xu, P., and Ramesh, B., “Supporting Dynamic Group Decision and Negotiation Processes: A Traceability Augmented Peer-to-peer Network Approach”, Information & Management, 43, 5, 2006, July.
  • Ramesh, B., Jain, R., Nissen, M., and Xu, P., “Managing Context in Business Process Management Systems,” Requirements Engineering, 10, 3, 2005, November.

Additional Information

Courses Taught

Introduction to Information Systems, Internet Programming/Java, System Analysis and Design.

Research Interests

Knowledge Management, Software Project Management, Software process, Business agility.