UMass Boston

Priscilla Gazarian

Grad Prog Dir/Assoc Professor
Quinn Administration Floor 02

Areas of Expertise

Preventable Hospital Harm, Patient Engagement, Self-Management, Decision Making, Qualitative and Mixed Methods, Alzheimer's/Dementia 


PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst
MS, University of Massachusetts Boston
BSN, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Professional Publications & Contributions

Additional Information

Priscilla K. Gazarian's program of research is focused on preventable hospital harms, specifically in the role of patient engagement, patient self-management, and nurse decision making. She is also interested in how the patient experiences dignity and respect during hospitalization, including loss of dignity and respect as a preventable harm. She is an expert in qualitative and mixed methods. Her population of interest is adults and elders. Her research is conducted at the Brigham and Women's Hospital where she holds an appointment as a Senior Nurse Scientist.