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- William Joiner Institute
Facilitating objective discourse and positive change through research, service & celebration.
We celebrate, research, and support veterans past, present, and future. We work to inform, develop, and implement equitable policies, programs, and pathways to help ensure the health, safety, well-being and success of veterans, their families, and others impacted by war or military service, without exception.
Celebration & Awards
The Honor-A-Veteran program showcases the outstanding and wide-reaching work that veterans do after their time in uniform. This monthly award is bestowed on a veteran who is nominated for their continued selfless service to the broader community. View the current list of monthly and annual award recipients.
Research & Impact
The Institute’s research portfolio is currently focused on three initiatives designed to ultimately have impacts locally, regionally, and nationally as it relates to:
- Expanding veterans’ connection to benefits, programs, and opportunities
- Understanding how younger generation veterans identify and connect
- Improving veteran and military affiliated student recruitment, retention, and graduation rates
Service & Engagement
The Institute’s service work includes a variety of opportunities to engage veteran and non-veteran students to encourage stronger integration and collaboration to build a coherent and trusted sense of community.

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Content on this site does not imply formal endorsement or condemnation from the William Joiner Institute or its staff. Anything shared is provided for any site visitor’s information, use, and engagement as they feel appropriate based on their interests.
Who We Are
The William Joiner Institute for the Study of War and Social Consequences offers an inclusive setting to objectively facilitate the sharing of ideas, debating of concepts, and discussions of past, present, and future topics related to conflicts, military service, and sacrifice. As a public university research institute, our events, research, and service to veterans, their families or others impacted by war or military service strive to support all points of view.
What We Do
- People: Veterans and non-Veterans all rowing in the same direction.
- Celebration & Awards Honoring Veterans and non-Veterans who strengthen community.
- Research & Impact: Seeking actionable recommendations to enhance Veteran support, programs and benefits.
- Service & Engagement: Explore the opportunities to get involved with the Institute.
- Archives & History: Search the Institute history and accomplishments
- Resources: Need help? Find resources available to you.
Where Else Can You Engage
Find help on the topics you may be interested in. Stay up to date on our initiatives and projects. Make your tax-deductible gift online.
Contact Us
The William Joiner Institute
100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125-3393
Phone: (617) 287-5863