UMass Boston

About Us

Latin Americans are a large, multi-ethnic population from Latin American countries (more than 20 countries across South, Central, and North America) and dependencies, whose primary languages are Spanish and Portuguese. In addition to living in their countries of origin, Latin Americans are now amongst the largest and fastest-growing population groups in several countries across the globe including the United States, Spain, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Portugal, and Australia.

La Familia Collaboratory™ focus is on achieving health equity through understanding and reducing disparities in health by reducing preventable diseases at the individual, family, and community levels. Our research is designed to identify and gain a deep understanding of the social determinants of health that serve as barriers to health among multi-ethnic Latino populations (primary languages Spanish and Portuguese) in the United States and in Latin America.

La Familia Collaboratory™ supports research training and career development of undergraduate and graduate students at UMass Boston and collaborating academic and research institutions. Our Collaboratory runs an undergraduate research training program called, Avancemos! Advancing Research Skills and Professional Career Opportunities in Health Sciences for Latinx Students. The Avancemos! program recruits undergraduate Latina/o/x students who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to an academic and professional career in health sciences focused on reducing Latina/o/x health disparities. Students participate in the Avancemos! program by enrolling in one or more semester-long (15 weeks) independent study with a faculty mentor. The program provides academic mentoring, research training, and career development skills activities such as: (1) education in minority health, health disparities, and immigrant and Latino health; (2) participation in community outreach and research; (3) collaboration and teamwork; and (4) networking.

Students interested in joining the program may contact the Collaboratory Director via email and/or complete the form available on the La Familia Collaboratory™ website (see Announcements).

La Familia: Latin American Health Research Collaboratory

Department of Urban Public Health
Manning College of Nursing and Health Sciences
100 Morrissey Blvd. - Quinn Building, Room 619
Boston, MA 02125 - United States