UMass Boston

In the Media

The Bandit Shackles of sub-Saharan Africa ›

Radio Študent | March 22, 2022
Director of the Center for Peace, Democracy and Development Darren Kew was interviewed by Slovenian radio station, Radio Študent, about the recent wave of coups in Africa.

The Election Is Over. How Did America Do? ›

Politico | January 10, 2021
Center for Peace, Democracy, and Development Executive Director and McCormack Graduate School Associate Professor Darren Kew is quoted in this piece on whether four years of Trump changed experts' assessment of American democracy? "The Trump presidency dealt a body blow to American democracy — certainly not fatal, but setting the stage for future challenges to the system that could continue to undermine it. My biggest fears are for the long-term impacts of all the concerted efforts he and his team have made throughout the campaign to cast doubt on the election system itself," Kew said.

Solutions to Violence ›

Forward Radio | August 05, 2019
Center for Peace, Democracy, and Development Executive Director and McCormack Graduate School Associate Professor Darren Kew talks about his international work with conflict resolution and peace building.
Center for Peace, Democracy, and Development
Healey Library, 10th Floor, Room 12
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125 USA
The center is affiliated with the John W. McCormack Graduate School of Policy and Global Studies.