UMass Boston

Virtual Lab Tours

View of the McCusker lab in the ISC
We are committed to community outreach and inspiring the next generation of scientists.

Dr. McCusker was interviewed by The Scientist for an article on virtual lab tours. Read the article here!

The McCusker lab regularly participates in virtual lab tours. The tours are typically for classes or groups of elementary and middle school students. These are virtual conferences with Dr. McCusker including 

  • a short presentation  on our understanding of limb regeneration
  • a question and answer section, and 
  • a tour around our lab.

If you're interested, please request more information by contacting Dr. McCusker. 


Pictures of Dr. McCusker in her office and in her lab.


The McCusker Lab

100 Morrissey Blvd.
BostonMA 02125 USA