UMass Boston

Professional & New Media Writing Minor

Learn to craft compelling stories for an increasingly digital world.

Want to prepare for a career as a writer? Are you interested in understanding and composing photo essays, documentaries, podcasts, and other webtexts? Do you want to apply your knowledge in a professional internship setting? Consider the Professional & New Media Writing (PNMW) Concentration / Minor!

Program Mission & Values

The PNMW program helps you develop the ability and flexibility to practice professional and technical writing with competence and sophistication. The program offers opportunities for you to reflect on and make sense of the past and use this thinking to engage in the development of socially just futures. Instructors and staff will support you as you develop global, rhetorical perspectives on writing inside and outside the workplace.

The program recognizes that to practice professional writing ethically within a healthy democracy, you must have a deep understanding of what writing is and how it works. To develop that deep understanding, courses in the program expose you to a broad range of complexities that face writers.

The PNMW program enhances the English Department's Learning Goals through a focused study on rhetoric and multimedia production. The PNMW program believes that writing:

  • Is a purposeful, meaning-making activity that has consequence for writers and their audiences, institutions, and communities (whether local or global)
  • Involves multiple modes: sound, image, color, text, movement, objects, speech, gesture, etc., each of which has different advantages and limitations
  • Requires facility with the current technologies for composing content and a deep understanding of the media available to distribute it
  • Requires a nimble, imaginative, and innovative mind
  • Can be used to inform and misinform and, therefore, requires careful attention to the way information is used and distributed to audiences

Expand Your Studies

How to Apply/Declare

Current Undergraduate Students: Declare or change your minor by completing an Undergraduate Program Add/Change form. Students must complete ENGL 101 and ENGL 102 (or their equivalents) before starting the PNMW program.

Prospective Undergraduate Students: Apply for admission to UMass Boston by completing an application. Start by reviewing the first-year and transfer application pages for important information about requirements, deadlines, and application status checks. Use the links below to apply: 

Apply as a First-Year Student

Apply as a Transfer Student


Core Courses (9 Credits)

Take three courses from the list below.

  • ENGL 306 - Advanced Nonfiction Writing 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 307 - Journalism and Media Writing 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 308 - Professional Editing 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 309 - Multimedia Authoring 3 Credit(s)

Writing Electives (6 Credits)

Take two courses from the list below. At least one course must be 300-level or higher. A Core Course may count as an Elective if not previously taken as part of the Core requirement. Other courses not on this list may count as Electives in consultation with the PNMW Program Director and the Undergraduate Program Director in the English Department.

  • ENGL 203 - Writing Craft/Context/Design 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 204 - Professional Writing 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 216 - Reading and Writing Journalism 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 300 - Intermediate Creative Writing Workshop 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 301 - Advanced Poetry Workshop 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 302 - Advanced Fiction Workshop 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 311L - How to Write Like a Film Critic 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 312 - Digital Culture and Composition 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 440 - History of the English Language 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 442 - Global Englishes and Language Diversity 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 448 - Perspectives on Literacy 3 Credit(s)
  • ENGL 477 - Professional and New Media Writing Internship II 3 Credit(s)
  • CINE 311L - How to Write Like a Film Critic 3 Credit(s)
  • THRART 275L - Introduction to Screen and Television Writing 3 Credit(s)

Internship (3 Credits)

  • ENGL 475 - Professional and News Media Writing Capstone Internship 1-6 Credit(s)


The PNMW program culminates in an internship, in which you demonstrate writing proficiency in a professional environment. As a PNMW student, you will identify and apply for internships on your own, gaining valuable experience for future job searches. Campus resources are available to help you with the process.

Internship Requirements

For an internship to count towards the program:

  • You must do workplace writing for 10-20 hours a week for the duration of the internship.
  • The internship must be approved by the PNMW Program Director.
  • The internship can be paid or unpaid.
  • You must take ENGL 475: Professional & New Media Writing Capstone Internship in the same semester as the internship. ENGL 475 is offered in Fall and Spring; it rarely runs in the Summer.

When to Apply

It’s never too early to look for an internship, but we recommend waiting until you’ve taken two of the three core courses.

If you are planning your internship for the Fall semester, the PNMW Director must communicate with your proposed supervisor and confirm the details of the internship by October 1. If you are planning your internship for the Spring, it must be confirmed by March 1.

Once the internship is confirmed, the PNMW Director will enroll you in ENGL 475; you cannot enroll yourself.

How to Apply

The PNMW Internship Checklist on the Internships Flyer walks you through these five steps: Prepare, Search, Apply, Confirm, Enroll.

Completion Requirements

Complete 18 credits from six courses, including three core courses, two electives, and one internship. Please note: Students must plan their course of study in consultation with the Director of Professional and New Media Writing.

Pass/Fail: No courses taken pass/fail may be applied toward the minor.
Residency: At least five courses for the minor must be completed at UMass Boston.


Program Director: Prof. Timothy Oleksiak
Location: Wheatley Hall, 6th Floor

student lying on campus lawn reading a book

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Learning Outcomes

Students in the PNMW program will engage with professional and new media writing and explore how it functions. The program provides focused attention on making the transition from student to professional. Part of this transition is thinking rhetorically about workplace writing and professional communication.

Students who complete the program will learn to:

  • Craft writing that responds to established and changing genres
    Use language to construct well-reasoned arguments in which trustworthy information supports assertions
  • Edit documents with sensitivity to an audience’s linguistic, grammatical, and syntactic understanding
  • Practice ethically conscious writing
  • Reflect critically on writing choices and the criteria used when making decisions
  • Build proficiency using a range of software tools for creating compositions in multiple modalities (oral, written, visual, audio)
  • Communicate specialized information to non-specialists
  • Build professional relationships and develop a writing portfolio
    Concentration and Minor

Concentration vs. Minor

The PNMW program is the same for all students, but it is called a concentration for students who are majoring in English; it is called a minor for students in majors other than English. 

Students rehearse orchestra playing flutes.

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