UMass Boston


Heath & Wellness

  • Counseling Center - The Counseling Center is committed to making sure that all students have access to good mental health and wellness care, regardless of their background or how they identify. Staff within the center, such as Director Deb Cohen, have specialties in negotiating a lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer identity and working with LGBTQ+ youth as well as adults of color.  Their services include individual or group therapy, groups and workshops (including a Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming support group), meeting with a consulting psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner for medication, and referrals to a mental health provider in the community or to another support service on campus.
  • UMB-UR-BEST - Seeks to continuously identify and address mental-health needs of the UMass Boston community.  
  • General Medicine - They provide onsite healthcare services including preventative and sexual healthcare concern services such as testing for all sexually transmitted infections, gynecological exams including pap smears and vaginal concerns, pregnancy testing and counseling, contraceptive management, emergency contraception, breast concerns, menstrual cycle problems /PMS/PCOS, testicular exams, testicular pain, and groin rashes.  
  • Gender-neutral Bathrooms
  • Gendered and Non-binary Pronouns: Guidelines for Usage
  • Trans Resource Guide
  • Trans People of Color CoalitionThe Trans People of Color Coalition (TPOCC) is an organization founded by attorney, professor and activist Kylar Broadus. TPOCC is a national social justice organization that promotes the interest of trans people of color
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Quinn 3rd Floor


Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Quinn 3rd Floor