UMass Boston

Gibbs Scripts

Jobs can be submitted using the 'sbatch' command, generally followed by the name of the submission script.  Common line options are included in the sample scripts. A full listing can be found in the man pages ('man sbatch'). Status of queued or running jobs can be obtained via the 'sstat' command. 

Interactive job submission can also be used.


# specify which shell to use.  Bash is recommended unless
# there is a compelling reason to use another.

# Sample slurm submission script for the Gibbs compute cluster
# Lines beginning with # are comments, and will be ignored by
# the interpreter.  Lines beginning with #SBATCH are directives
# to the scheduler.  These in turn can be commented out by
# adding a second # (e.g. ##SBATCH lines will not be processed
# by the scheduler).
# set name of job
#SBATCH --job-name=slurm-sample

# set the number of nodes

# set the number of processes per node
#SBATCH -n 2

#set an account to use
#if not used then default will be used
##SBATCH --account=scavenger

# set the number of GPU cards per node
# --gres=gpu[[:type]:count]
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:GTX670:4

#Or can use this
##SBATCH --gres=gpu:2

# set max wallclock time  DD-HH:MM:SS
#SBATCH --time=14-10:00:00

#To get error and output
#SBATCH --error=myRecord.err
#SBATCH --output=myRecord.out

# set the partition where the job will run
##SBATCH --partition=GTX670

# mail alert at start, end and abortion of execution
##SBATCH --mail-type=ALL

# send mail to this address

# Put your job commands here, including loading any needed
# modules.

# module load
# this job simply reports the hostname and sleeps for two minutes

sleep 120


Use the following command to submit an interactive job on Gibbs

srun -N 1 -n 4  --gres=gpu:1   -p GTX670   -A    -t 08:40:00 --pty bash


Options Usage Default
-N Highly recommended  1
-n Highly recommended  1
--gres optional none
-p optional

will follow billing weights to assign partition

-A optional user's default account
-t Highly recommended unlimited, uses QoS if time not specified
--pty bash Required  

Note: Specify duration of time more than the expected time of job completion, this might reduce the chances of job being aborted.

To use jupyter using interactive job submission click here

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IT Research Computing
Healey Library, Lower Level
UMass Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
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