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- V006
- Introduction
- Mcd43A1 Brdf Albedo Model Parameters Product
- Mcd43A2 Albedo Product
- Mcd43A3 Albedo Product
- Mcd43A4 Nbar Product
- Mcd43C1 Cmg Brdf Albedo Model Parameters Product
- Mcd43C2 Cmg Brdf Albedo Model Snow Free Parameters
- Mcd43C3
- Mcd43C4 Cmg Nbar Product
- Mcd43D Cmg 30 Arc Second Products
- Mcd43Gf Cmg Gap Filled Snow Free Products
- Modis Mcd43 Specification
- Viirs
- Viirs User Guide
MCD43A2 BRDF/Albedo Quality Product
MODIS User Guide V006 and V006.1This Guide is a living document that describes the MODIS BRDF and Albedo Products. It is revised as progress is made in the development of these products. The purpose of the document is to give the potential user an understanding of the MCD43 products and the current state of the data in those products. Note: The reprocessed (V006 and V006.1) MODIS BRDF/Albedo products have been assigned a "Validated (Stage 3) Status". Users are urged to use the band specific quality flags to isolate the highest quality full inversion results for their own science applications. "Please note: the collection 6 MCD43 data has been superseded by a major reprocessing effort, collection 6.1. These data will be available from the LP DAAC, and will replace the collection 6 data. Users are strongly advised to switch to the collection 6.1 data as soon as possible. Please see the MODIS Land Team website for more information." |
The MCD43A2 BRDF/Albedo Quality Project provides extensive band independent quality information. [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], and measures of uncertainty (weights of determination, WoD) which are noise amplification factors indicating the appropriateness of the angular sampling available for each retrieval [4]. Please Refer to the Specification for more information (V006 Spec or V006.1 Spec).
Note that the V006 and V006.1 MODIS MCD43 products are retrieved daily and represent the best BRDF possible based on 16 days’ worth of inputs with the day of interest emphasized. Unlike the earlier reprocessed versions (where the date of the product signifies the first day of the retrieval period), and the Direct Broadcast version (where the date signifies the last day of the retrieval period), the date associated with each daily V006 and V006.1 retrieval is the center of the moving 16 day input window. This change is in response to user requests.
References Cited
1. Schaaf, C. B., F. Gao, A. H. Strahler, W. Lucht, X. Li, T. Tsang, N. C. Strugnell, X. Zhang, Y. Jin, J.-P. Muller, P. Lewis, M. Barnsley, P. Hobson, M. Disney, G. Roberts, M. Dunderdale, C. Doll, R. d'Entremont, B. Hu, S. Liang, and J. L. Privette,and D. P. Roy, First Operational BRDF, Albedo and Nadir Reflectance Products from MODIS, Remote Sens. Environ., 83, 135-148, 2002.
2. Lucht, W., C.B. Schaaf, and A.H. Strahler. An Algorithm for the retrieval of albedo from space using semiempirical BRDF models, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 38, 977-998, 2000.
3. Lucht, W., Expected retrieval accuracies of bidirectional reflectance and albedo from EOS-MODIS and MISR angular sampling, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 8763-8778, 1998.
4. Lucht, W., and P. Lewis. Theoretical noise sensitivity of BRDF and albedo retrieval from the EOS-MODIS and MISR sensors with respect to angular sampling, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 21, 81-98, 2000.
5. Shuai,Y., C. B. Schaaf, A. H. Strahler, J. Liu, Z. Jiao, Quality assessment of BRDF/albedo retrievals in MODIS operational system, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L05407, doi:10.1029/2007GL032568,2008.
Professor Crystal Schaaf’s Lab
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.