UMass Boston

Community Ambassadors

Commuter Assistants

The Commuter Assistant Role

Commuter Assistants (CAs) are student leaders, employed by Off-Campus Living, who share resources and proven strategies to help students find off-campus accommodations and roommates.  Commuting to school can be a challenging prospect; CAs promote opportunities for Beacons to become engaged members of the UMass Boston community while residing off-campus. 

CAs serve as a primary contact for students who commute to school from a family home (commuter) or nearby apartment (off campus) in the communities surrounding UMass Boston.  CAs communicate with students and family members through office interactions, phone calls, emails, and social media.  CAs encourage participation in campus, neighborhood, and community activities and help increase student awareness of both campus and community-based resources.  Commuter Assistants are supervised by the Assistant Director. 

Commuter Assistant Job Description

Commuter Assistant Job Description Document

Apply to become a CA

No positions open at this time

Off-Campus Living

Campus Center, 3rd Floor, Suite 3300