UMass Boston

File a Complaint

Report a Concern or File a Complaint

UMass Boston students, faculty, staff, or third parties may speak with a member of the Civil Rights and Title IX staff and/or file a written complaint of sexual or gender-based harassment at any time.

UMass Boston takes all reports of sexual harassment and sexual violence very seriously. We understand that it can be difficult for victims or those who have witnessed a violation to come forward and make a report or file a complaint. The university’s process for addressing prohibited conduct are grounded in fairness and support for all parties, and include procedural protections that ensure notice and meaningful opportunities to participate.

Report A Concern or File A Complaint

You can call our office at 617.287.7391, email us at, or stop by our office on the third floor of the Quinn Administration Building (Room 03-023) to share the nature of your concern or complaint.

Report A Complaint to the UMass Boston Police Department

In cases where a crime has potentially been committed, a victim can report a complaint directly to the UMass Boston Police Department at 617.287.1212.

Complaint Form

Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Quinn Administration Building, 3rd Floor, Room 23