UMass Boston

Five Strategic Goals


ONE:  Dynamic and Diverse Talent: Faculty, Staff, and Students

MCNHS will attract premier faculty and staff talent from local, state and global geographies that represent the diverse makeup of our student body.


TWO:  Academic Equity and Success  

MCNHS is committed to ensuring the success of all students and developing diverse, innovative and resilient practitioners for the 21st Century.


THREE:  Excellence in Research and Science 

MCNHS will be the premier research institution for the study of Population Health and Policy, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.


FOUR:  Innovation in Education and Technology 

MCNHS will ensure that our curricula and our educators are transformative by focusing on the pursuit and application of emerging science, novel evidence-based practice, technology, and innovative methods of instruction


FIVE: Capital Resource and Infrastructure: Human, Physical and Financial

MCNHS will develop mission-driven resource generation, allocation, planning, and fiscal management practices that: ensure financial viability; enable faculty and staff participation in decision-making; generate diversified revenue streams; and address urgent requirements for new facilities, technology, and other infrastructure needs