UMass Boston

Current Residents


  • Housing is billed separately from your University cost and will not appear on your WISER account.
  • Current Residents, Please note, the Resident Portal is only available to students who have been confirmed for housing and received their housing assignment. Requests for students who have not received a room assignment will be denied.

Access the Residential Portal

Maintenance Requests

Except during emergencies, a written work order must be submitted online for all service requests. If you need assistance submitting a work order, you can request assistance in the Office of Housing and Residential Life (OHRL), located on the first floor of the East building.

If you experience

  • power failures
  • loss of heat (if the outside temperature is below 55 degrees)
  • loss of air conditioning (if the outside temperature is above 90)
  • water leaks
  • rising water

During normal business hours (Monday—Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.), call the Office of Housing and Residential Life at 617.287.6011. After hours, contact the front desk in your building and ask the guard to call the RA duty phone.

UMass Boston does not offer renter's insurance coverage. It is strongly suggested that all residents have their own renter's insurance policy or see if you may be covered under your parent/guardian/guarantor's home owner's agreement.


The Office of Housing and Residential Life staff will let you back into your bedroom if you get locked out. During regular business hours (Monday—Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.), come to the OHRL office on the first floor of the East building. After hours, contact the front desk in your building and ask the guard to call the RA duty phone. Residents' first two lockouts are free. A 3rd lock out will have a $10 fee. A 4th lock out will have a $15 fee. Any additional lock outs after the 4th will have a $20 fee for each lock out. This charge will be placed on your OHRL account and cannot be waived. If you try to avoid the lock-out charge by attempting to enter your bedroom on your own, you will be responsible for all damages (such as windows, screens, doors, locks, etc.) This will also be considered a violation and grounds for disciplinary action.

Mail & Package Delivery

The United States Postal Service delivers mail on Monday through Saturday. Letters will be placed in the resident’s mailbox. Package lockers are used for received packages. All residents should register with Parcel Pending to receive notification when a package arrives. Packages that are too large to fit into a resident’s mailbox will be stored in an overflow room and may be requested through the Office of Housing and Residential Life. OHRL does not assume responsibility for lost or damaged mail and packages.

Please use the following address and format for all mail and package deliveries:

  • Student's full name, room number
  • 240 Morrissey Blvd
  • Boston, MA 02125-3450

If you are ordering from Amazon, they may require the following address:

  • Student's full name, room number
  • 240 William T. Morrissey Blvd
  • Boston, MA 02125-3450

Contact On-Campus Housing

Office of Housing and Residential Life
Residence Hall East, 1st Floor
240 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm