UMass Boston

Occupational Health & Safety

The Occupational Health and Safety Program focuses on the health and safety of the university’s animal research community. There are known risks associated with exposure to research and teaching animals: allergic reactions, scratches, bites, zoonoses, etc. The goal of the program is to identify risks, implement safety controls, and provide training to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all personnel. This is accomplished by, one, offering comprehensive training and education opportunities and, two, contracting with board certified Occupational Medicine physicians to preform ongoing medical surveillance and risk assessments.

All UMass Boston researchers, staff, and students who are engaged in research involving animal use are required to complete the Occupational Health and Safety Enrollment Form prior to conducting any research. 

Procedure & Forms

OHSP Procedure

Enrollment Form *New fillable Form**

3 YR Renewal Form

Fact Sheets for Animal Handlers

Potential Allergies

Zoonotic Disease: Fish and Amphibians

Zoonotic Disease: Laboratory Rodents

Zoonotic Disease: Zebrafish