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Academic Coaching
As a service within the Ross Center provided by referral, students who participate in academic coaching will develop goals, create systems, and build strategies to improve the learning process. They will examine their learning styles, strengths, habits of mind, and barriers to success. Coaching is student-driven, and students will work to create personalized plans to improve their academic experience. Students will develop executive functioning skills and learn to use their accommodations as effectively as possible to successfully:
- meet important deadlines
- balance commitments
- focus and maintain attention
- make good use of resources
- self-advocate and effectively communicate
Each student who uses coaching is provided with comprehensive support tailored to meet individual needs. Please note to use this service, you must be referred and request this in the myRCDS (Ross Center) database every semester. Should a student be referred for coaching, the Academic Coaching Team will be in touch to further discuss the service.
Priority Registration
If you have scheduling needs associated with your disability, you should take advantage of the opportunity to register earlier than your regularly scheduled registration dates. This improves, but does not guarantee, your chance of getting courses that are most desirable to you. This privilege does not apply to late registration or registration processed after the pre-registration period. If you are a newly enrolled student, the university will make every effort to enroll you in your selected classes, but this cannot be guaranteed. To qualify for priority registration, students must be matriculated, degree-seeking students at UMass Boston. For more information on registration and course selection, please contact the University Advising Center at 617.287.5500.