UMass Boston

Reserving a Lab for Classroom Use

Reservation Timeline Policies


You will able to view the current reservations. Bookit will activate your account within minutes once it verifies that you are a faculty or staff member. After you reserve the labs, you will receive a confirmation within 48 hours.

The University of Massachusetts Boston academic programs lasting the entire semester will get first priority, followed by short-term reservations (i.e., for one day or one month only). Grant funded programs not directly related to the students enrolled in the university meeting the deadline will be processed next. Any reservations regardless of program status received after the deadline are filled on availability and first-come-first-served basis.

Verify that the software you need is available in the computer labs. Information about classroom and public labs, hardware and software resources, lab reservation usage policies, reservation procedures and deadlines can be found here:

The blue, white, gold, purple, Mac A, and Mac C labs are available for classroom reservations. Please use our Bookit online system to see which labs are available for reservation. Log in to Bookit with your email username and password to view the schedules. Within minutes your account will be activated once you are verified as a faculty or staff member. Once your account is approved you can then use Bookit to submit your lab reservations online. Our designated scheduler will then review your reservation request(s) and contact you via email to confirm your reservation.  Once your reservation is confirmed, it can be viewed in the Bookit online calendar. The process for deleting a Bookit reservation is the same as making a reservation.  After you edit or delete your reservation, you will receive an email confirmation of the changes. If you wish to request specific software for installation in your lab then please fill out the software request form in addition to using Bookit.

Software Installation Policy

  • In the event that the software required for your lab is not already installed on the lab computers, please fill out this software request form and we will get back to you on whether or not it is available for installation. 

  • Provide information concerning licenses of software you or the university own that you wish to be installed on the networks or hard drives for the appropriate number of stations in the lab. The computer labs operations manager retains a copy of the license agreement on file.

  • You are required to test the functionality of your additional non-listed software prior to bringing your class to the lab because you and technical staff are familiar with criteria for performance of software not in the computer lab portfolio. You will be notified by a technician about a time to test your software.

  • Installation of non-listed software in standard labs may take up to three weeks after the semester starts and the computer lab images have been finalized depending on licensing and imaging restraints.

  • If you intend to use software installed during a previous semester on the networks or hard drives, you must call to verify that the software is still available by contacting

Confirmations, Cancellations, and Changes  Policies

  • Cancellations of confirmed reservations require three-day advance notification by:

  • Editing or deleting your reservation on Bookit

Information Technology Services
Healey Library, 3rd Floor