UMass Boston

Beyond the Classroom

Nantucket Field Station

UMass Boston maintains a field station on Nantucket. Studio-art faculty use this facility to offer special courses during the winter Inter-session and summer.

University Hall Gallery

The University Hall Gallery is a center of visual arts, presenting original and traveling exhibitions for the Art & Art History Department, the campus, and the region with an aim to make exhibitions and exhibition programming culturally and educationally dynamic and accessible. Our mission is to serve as a community forum for cultivating pluralism, fostering dialog, and enhancing educational opportunities for the enjoyment of and interaction with original works of art.

The gallery is always free and open to the public.

For more information, please email:

University Hall Gallery is located on the first floor of University Hall, in Room 1220. 
University Dr. N, Boston, MA 02125

Arts on the Point

The UMass Boston sculpture park “Arts on the Point” consists of large-scale outdoor works by some of the world's leading artists.   This important educational program exposes students to large-scale projects contextualized by the campus and the bay. Arts on the Point is an on-going initiative that involves students in the inner workings of curatorial practices, fund-raising events, and hires them as docents who guide visitors through the collection. In recent years, the program has sponsored lectures by artists aimed at Art majors and has provided contacts for students within the Boston arts community.

Visiting Artist Lecture Series:

The Visiting Artist Lecture Series is a program developed by Assistant Professor Christopher Schade and presented by the Art & Art History Department that invites several nationally and internationally renowned artists a semester to visit the campus for a day. These presentations give students a window into the complexity of arguments and approaches in the contemporary art world, as well as giving them first-hand access to artists who have successfully made a life out of their creative practice. Each artist comes to a studio art or art history class in the department to participate in a visual art critique and conversation about art with the students, allowing for discourse from other viewpoints and perspectives. The visiting artists also give PowerPoint presentations of their own work in University Hall. These lectures are announced throughout the College of Liberal Arts and the wider university and are open to the public. The Visiting Artists Lecture Series generates aesthetic and cultural conversations, both among the students and the faculty, that continually replenish and nourish the community of the department and the wider university. Due to the pandemic, for the past year all presentations have been presented virtually in webinars via Zoom. Each of the talks is recorded and will now be part of a permanent archive available to students and scholars for research.