UMass Boston

Field school students in Belize washing artifacts.

Extracurricular Resources


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See below for a list of resources available for our students to enrich their careers in Anthropology.

Department Research Resources 

The Department has superb laboratory facilities for archaeology and biological anthropology. Faculty members conduct a wide variety of research projects and encourage student participation in these projects. Many of these offer opportunities for undergraduates to work with graduate student mentors. Click here to learn more about the Archaeology Lab spaces.


Andrew Fiske Memorial Center for Archaeological Research 

The Fiske Center staff members conduct a wide range of multifaceted archaeological projects both in the United States and internationally, with special focus on cultural and biological dimensions of colonization, urbanization, and industrialization over the past thousand years. The Center maintains a program of local archaeology with a special emphasis on research that meets the needs of cities, towns, federal and state agencies, and tribal nations in New England and the greater Northeast. Through internships, summer field schools, and more informal arrangements, undergraduate students interested in archaeology may find opportunities for laboratory and fieldwork experiences through the Fiske Center. 


Anthropology Department Field Schools 

During the summer, members of the Anthropology Department and the Fiske Center regularly conduct archaeological field schools, offered as Anth 485 for six credits.

Previous field schools:

Please see the project directors for more information on these educational and professional opportunities, or check the summer field school listings for the College of Advancing and Professional Studies


Colloquia and Other Special Events 

The Department sponsors a number of speakers throughout the year to talk about current research or subjects of interest to anthropologists and the broader university community. Some speakers may be candidates for faculty positions, and in such cases students as well as faculty are invited to evaluate these anthropologists as potential members of our faculty. Speakers in these symposia have included internationally eminent anthropologists. The Department also sponsors speakers jointly with other departments and programs (e.g., Native American and Indigenous Studies; Transnational, Cultural and Community Studies; Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security, and Global Governance; Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights), and routinely collaborates with the Anthropology Club in sponsoring a colloquia and social events. 


Internship Opportunities for Majors and Minors 

Please check with your faculty advisor or with the Anthropology Department Program Coordinator for current information regarding interns.