UMass Boston

Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2020 at UMass Boston

In UMass Boston's inaugural celebration of Indigenous Peoples’ Day—a moment to acknowledge the historic contributions, the struggles and survival, and the continuing resilience, presence, and power of Indigenous peoples across the globe, here in the United States, and here in New England—Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) and the Institute for New England Native American Studies (INENAS) presented Indigenous Peoples Day 2020 at UMass Boston. This virtual program of events was held online, and recordings are accessible below. We wish to thank and acknowledge all our community partners and guests, our student organizers and participants, our colleagues, and the sponsorship and support of Chancellor Marcelo Suárez-Orozco and his office. 

Climate Change and Indigenous Resistance: An Intergenerational and Inter-Tribal Conversation
October 12, 2020

Indigenous History, Archaeology, and Education: Learning from Native Communities and Partnerships at UMass Boston
October 28, 2020


Indigenous Peoples' Day Second Poster


Indigenous Resilience, Survivance, Art and Activism
November 2, 2020

Third Indigenous Peoples' Day Poster